Features & Fixes
Print Ads & General Improvements
- Adds a faster advanced search option for print ads by Materials ID only. This becomes the new default when searching for ads. The general search is still available but must be selected specifically.
- "Notify advertiser when ad is approved by ad uploader" notification fixed.
- PDF/X preflighting is fixed to allow a preflight profile to check for either PDF/X-1a flags or PDF/X-3. For PDF/X-1a files, the 2001 or 2003 standards will both pass the test. Please review your preflight profile settings to be sure your desired settings were carried over properly.
- Preflight conditions related to page boxes, when set to "error", will continue to display as errors, but allow the file to be trimmed. These types of errors will be fixed when the file is trimmed so will not stop the file from being further processed.
- New publisher setting in the print upload form area to customize how the issue selector displays on the upload form. Issue name continues to be the default. New choices are run, materials due, and on sale dates.
- Custom template added for "Ad Received" for when ad is approved but not finalized. This complements an existing template, now renamed to "Ad Completed."
- After uploading a new ad and closing the ad details screen, thumbnail should be correct, not blank.
- Ads uploaded using the SendMyAd API (GWG ads, for example), must now match their intended issue's run date exactly. In the GWG job ticket, this is the equivalent of the "First Publication" value. If the run date does not match, an informational message is returned if there are other issues in the same calendar month, so that the file's metadata can be fixed.
- The final PDF file's name can be customized when clicking the "Download Final Ad" button. This is configured in Publisher Settings > General > Manage Downloaded File Names.
- Custom help information can be created by publishers for any of their custom metadata fields.
- Fixes a problem with the ad upload form when no valid ad specs are available. Form cannot be submitted in this case.
- Ads submitted as PDF/X-1a and trimmed will remain at the version they were submitted, unless a specific output format is chosen by the publisher in the preflight profile. (2001 or 2003).
- Print ad advanced search's "General Search" improved to allow case-insensitive matching for creator's full name, advertiser number, booking number and advertiser field.
- File creator information is retained after trimming or auto-centering a file.
- Product field now available as a delivery variable.
- Better display in ad thumbnail view for Internet Explorer. Long publication names are now truncated to fit the space allotted.
- Advanced search introduced for Invitees. Found in the Manage Customers area, combined with the existing Customers search.
- Default materials contact field is moved to the publication general settings area.
- Select all / deselect all action fixed.
- Pager buttons fixed for advanced ad search results.
- Tablet ads can now be delivered like print ads. Set up in delivery locations for "all ads" or only tablet ads.
- Inactive publications should no longer appear in the Send Tablet Ad upload form.
- Publications without no issues enabled for tablet ads no longer appear on upload form.
- Improved characters left count & warning to user when pasting text in Ad Creator form.
- When submitting Ad Creator form, all fields are checked to be sure the default placeholder text is not submitted. Default optional text is automatically removed when submitting an ad.
- Bug fix: preview of Ad Creator ad shows all changes after approving changes as publisher.
- Ad Creator ads may now be delivered just like regular print ads. Be sure to set up your delivery locations appropriately.
- When manually downloading Ad Creator ads, the file name can be controlled using the same system as the print ads noted above.
- Ad Creator ads appear in reports. For billing purposes they are treated just like regularly uploaded print ads.
- Ad Creator ads appear in the Dashboard statistics along with other print ads.
- Thumbnails appear correctly now in email notifications.
- Digital Receipts are now created when Ad Creator ads are finalized.
- Character limits are enforced when editing an existing ad.
- The Edit Ad form shows text frame label and if the field is required.
- New report available just for Ad Creator ads that lists the text entered for each ad. The report is created by issue. Available in the normal reports area from the Dashboard.