- Pickup ad form allows publisher to assign the new ad to a different user.
- Picking up a spread or multipage ad now picks up all related pages as a set.
- Splitting ads is now easier to configure in the ad specification area.
- Splitting ads extended to approved and completed ads.
- Improved navigation for multipage and spread ads.
- New "Ads Per Issue Compact (By Issue)" report. (The older report is now labeled "Extended").
- Redesigned Approval Cycle Editor.
- Configuration of ad upload form items moved to new editor. The button to access this is still found in the Publisher Information > Print Ad Settings area.
- Optional sales representative selector on upload form. In order to populate the sales rep list you must add a new group in the groups area and classify it as an ad sales rep group. Each person added to this group will become a possible selection for sales rep on the ad upload.
- Extended characters in product, headline and ad instruction fields will be cleaned when writing XMP data during finalization.
- Back button in pickup form now returns user to the original ad.
- Low-resolution image preflight warning now shows the incorrect resolution.
SendMyAd Tablet Ads
- Updated "iPad 1 and 2" default profile name to "iPad 1, iPad 2, and iPad Mini", in order to reflect that these three devices use the same specs.
- Created default profile for "iPad 3 & iPad 4"
- Put disclaimer within URL confirmation modal window. Default text is "The rendered website may appear differently than the actual device due to browser rendering"
- Enabled "Reject Ad" functionality. Rejecting a file now draws a "Rejected" status within the right panel of the preflight view and locks all future revising of the ad's device files.
- Template selector is required within 'Add Tablet Profile' modal, in order to set the tablet profile up with the correct ad specs.
- "Designed for Tablet" uploading prevents users from trying to upload more than one file at a time.
- Removed ability to drag-n-drop upload onto files after the total ad is complete. Once the total ad is complete, no more revisions can be made.
- User can now upload a new file to a completed device, as long as the entire DFT Ad is not completed.
- Increased size of icons within device navigation thumbnails.
Virtual Publisher
- Position notes for empty pages in the flatplan.
- Improvements to billing report.
- Editorial Manager Plugin Supports full page non-bleed advertisement downloading and placement.
- New color selector on story views.
- New easy to use in site texteditor
- Only Virtual Publisher help is shown in the Dashboard.
- Prevention of dropping more than one editorial page from the desktop at a time.